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Keeping Alive the Rumor of God

  • Foreword by David R. Peel
  • By Martin Camroux
Product Description
Can't you hear those little bells tinkling? Down on your knees--""they're bringing the sacraments to a dying God,"" wrote Heinrich Heine in 1834. It took a while but today it is happening. Across the Western world the traditional picture of God is dying, and institutional religion collapsing. Today we are trying something never done before, living with no agreed narrative that tells us who we are and with a materialist view of life. It isn't enough. An idea of God may have died but the mystery of our human life is of an inner depth which is not simply physical or material. Marvel, mystery, wonder, beauty, love, the numinous, the mysterium tremendum, remain the essence of who we are. What I am trying to do is describe this experience in such a way that those who have not had it can get a glimpse of it from inside and understand how it can give a life meaning and purpose. This is explored through a liberal Christian tradition committed to social justice and honest exploration. Scripture is vital to this but so are art, poetry, music, and beauty. When most people are looking the other way, we must keep the rumor of God alive.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781725262416
    • Manufacturer: Wipf & Stock Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9781725262416
    • Publication Date: 08/21/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: David R. Peel
    • Author: Martin Camroux
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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