At first glance, it may seem as though the Bible is populated with the stories of faithful men, courageous men, or nefarious men, men who were either enemies or friends of God. Mostly stories of men. Added to the difficulty of seeing women in the pages of Scripture is the effort it takes to ""hear"" their voices and understand their stories. The Bible itself was written largely from the male perspective, concentrating on male heroes and villains. (Only the books of Ruth and Esther focus on a woman, and neither one is written from an explicitly female lens.) Women most often become supporting characters. Without thinking about it, we've accepted this point of view, and this unspoken role for women across time. But a second glance reveals the stories of often-unnamed women as living faithfully and courageously for God (as well as some living powerfully and villainously against God). Regardless of whose point of view is reflected in Scripture's stories, women as much as men have contributed to the great narrative of God and humanity. May their grit and tenacity, their dignity and tragedy embolden you and me to live out our faith to the full.