The Digital Age has transformed nearly every facet of Western culture. More than ever, people are turning away from face-to-face interactions to spend countless hours mediating life through a screen. Such changes can be felt in the arenas of politics, sexuality, work, and recreation. Some futurists argue for the development of Transhumanism, a commitment to expanding human capacities through the use of applied technologies across a variety of platforms. The proponents promise radically long life, super-intelligence, and extreme bliss. But how does technology shape us at the spiritual level? Do our bodies even matter anymore? Crossing Wires navigates the complex terrain of digital and robotic technologies with refreshing approachability. The book opens the door for discussions on technology's influence on human identity while laying out a case for embodied, empathetic communities of grace that can serve as a necessary antidote to a society that seems to love and trust devices above all else.