This book is more than just an autobiography, but rather it is the story of one who suffered with dyslexia as a young person and did poorly in school, but through the help of family, friends, football and faith he was able to conquer the debilitating effects of this disorder and to accomplish many things for Jesus Christ. This book also highlights the importance of his core family, beginning with his lovely wife Sally and their two - Children, Candice, and Mark. Together they have formed a family of faith that has been copied by many all over the world and could even further influence young people. The author of this book prays that he can be an example of how one can put difficulties aside in their service to the Lord and accomplish great things for God. The book is intended to help young people understand better how they can be used by God, but it could also help others of different ages to see that God is in the business of using us vessel of clay to carry out His Great Commission, that is to Make Disciples of all Nations.