The Difference Course explores what it means to follow Jesus in a complex and divided world. Participants are equipped to cross divides, navigate disagreement, practice forgiveness, and pursue a just and flourishing life. Run over five sessions, the course draws deeply on Jesus' encounters in the Gospels and the wisdom of expert peacemakers. It shares three habits that can transform everyday relationships and build practices that have a deep and lasting impact on our actions, thoughts and character: - Be curious - listen to others' stories and see the world through their eyes. - Be present - encounter others with authenticity and confidence. - Re-imagine - finding hope and opportunity in the places where we long to see change. This host guide will help you prepare, effectively lead and facilitate the Difference Course. It contains practical information to help you run the course, with instructions on what to do before and during each session. 'Reconciliation is not the ending of all difference, but the transformation of how we deal with difference.' - Archbishop Justin Welby