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Creating Shared Resilience

The Role of the Church in a Hopeful Future
  • By David M. Boan, Josh Ayers
  • Foreword by Alia Abboud
Product Description

The development community is increasingly aware of tensions and challenges inherent in relief work - and the need for sustainable solutions for communities experiencing poverty and crisis. How can the local church help to create and maintain such resilient communities?

Boan and Ayers utilize their extensive experience working within the humanitarian sector, and in cooperation with local churches, to examine the evidence for effective partnerships between development agencies and local faith communities. The authors provide practical guidance on how church leaders can forge stronger relationships with NGOs, donors, and government while reinforcing, rather than compromising, the unique calling of the church. They explore resilience as an inherently communal characteristic and one located at the heart of the church's historic calling to build community, strengthen faith, and shelter those in need. This is an excellent resource for anyone desiring to understand the value of local faith communities in battling poverty and helping communities survive and thrive amidst the impact of climate change and natural disasters.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781783687916
    • Manufacturer: LANGHAM GLOBAL LIB
    • ISBN 13: 9781783687916
    • Publication Date: 03/14/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: David M. Boan
    • Author: Josh Ayers
    • Author: Alia Abboud

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