In a restless, fast paced world of quick fixes, there is huge value in the way priesthood is, as the ordinal puts it, 'weighed and pondered'. In this collection of reflections, Simon Cuff addresses key aspects of priestly life and the ways in which it prophetically stands in contrast to the priorities of contemporary culture. 'Priesthood' explores the foundational relationship between Christ's priesthood and ordained ministry. 'Parish' reflects on the intimate nature of serving a community. In 'Power and Privilege', readers consider the ethical dimensions of authority. 'Prayer and People' emphasizes the importance of communal ministry within the Body of Christ. Finally, 'Providence' reassures readers of God's guiding presence throughout their vocation. Distinguishing itself with its contemporary relevance, devotional depth, and focus on sustaining a life-long ministry, Waiting on the Lord is an essential companion for navigating the spiritual and practical challenges of priesthood, ensuring a grounded and resilient ministry rooted in divine calling.