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Centering Hope as a Sustainable Decolonial Practice

Esperanza en Práctica
  • By Yara González-Justiniano
Product Description

Where is the hope? What does it look like? Is the Christian church providing a hope that materializes in the grounding of people's thriving? These questions posed the catalysts of this work where the author sets up a journey that parses the definition of hope within Christian theology as an ontological category of the human experience. Through ethnographic research and ecclesial study of diverse congregations in Puerto Rico the work moves from an articulation of context, hope, practice, and future to reveal its aim of liberation through a hope that can be sustainable in time and space. She analyzes the operations of political systems that suppress hope in the island. Weaving the theme of a theology of hope, with the fields of ecclesiology, memory studies, postcolonial and decolonial theory, liberation theology, and the study of social movements she builds a model that puts hope at the center of socio-economic practices and moves toward a recipe for a hope that is sustainable in practice.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781793650917
    • ISBN 13: 9781793650917
    • Publication Date: 02/26/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Yara González-Justiniano

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