This Phonics & Spelling Workbook 1 is designed to provide a more indepth study and practice in the Phonic Sound structure, with focus on the Long vowel sounds. The work is organized in a differentiated way, for ease of use in the classroom via three strategies - FOCUS, EXTENSION AND CHALLENGE which support the development of Phonics and Spellings skills in this book.
For example, each Long Vowel sound is presented with a FOCUS on developing and mastering each Sound presented. Then skills are further developed via EXTENSION, presented as intensive work, based on the sound pattern and rules provided. This enables practice and independent or group work, for greater understanding within the unit. Using this Extension strategy, students are encouraged to test their knowledge, by applying the skills learnt in the Focus exercises.
Then more intensive work is provided by the CHALLENGE exercises, which test the child's knowledge of the skills learnt in the unit. These are tasks for the student to both enjoy and do independently, in order to ensure competence of the work done; before a smooth progression onto the next sound pattern or Unit in this Workbook.
The approaches used in this Phonics & Spelling Workbook 1 are tried and tested strategies used within the classroom, which have provided great success over many years.
The book is Authored by Roselle Thompson B.A Hons, MPhil, FRSA, has over 30 years of experience in teaching and education development in the UK. In addition to her academic lecturing and writing, Roselle is also an Author, Poet, Playwright, Editor and Broadcaster, who has been creating, since 1994, intensive courses in a number of subjects; including English (language and literature), Verbal Reasoning and Public Speaking for children from as young as 5 years old, to GCSE Secondary and A level 6th Form. Roselle has Headed Education institutions from Nursery to Secondary levels and has also lectured at University. As a Broadcaster and International Speaker, her approach is therefore to make her significantly accumulated skills available to her students for their personal empowerment, development and life-long success.