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A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary
  • By Ken Gnanakan, Brian Wintle
Product Description

In his letter to the Ephesian church, the apostle Paul lays before his readers God's plan of salvation, which is to be fulfilled when all things find their rightful place in Christ. Paul draws out the practical implications of God's purpose for the body of Christ, showing how the unity of a new humanity is revealed within it as a foretaste of the ultimate unity of all things in the Son of God. This commentary shows the relevance of Ephesians for the church in Asia today seeking to understand God's eternal purposes in Christ, especially in the face of pluralism, suffering and injustice.

The Asia Bible Commentary Series empowers Christians in Asia to read the Bible from within their respective contexts. Holistic in its approach to the text, each exposition of the biblical books combines exegesis and application. The goal is to strengthen the body of Christ in Asia by providing pastoral and contextual exposition of every book of the Bible.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781839730559
    • Manufacturer: LANGHAM GLOBAL LIB
    • ISBN 13: 9781839730559
    • Publication Date: 09/30/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Ken Gnanakan
    • Author: Brian Wintle
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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