A book to encourage young people to look carefully at what is going on at the heart of themselves - their core inner being - to examine their hearts before God and to allow him to speak, and to change and heal them.
Proverbs 4:23 says we are to pay attention to the state of our hearts above all else. If it is the most important thing, does that mean it is more important than serving God? Yes. Because unless our serving comes from a heart of love for him it becomes empty deeds that mean nothing. Isn't worship important? Yes, but our worship can only flow from hearts that have been captured by God. Isn't it important to read our Bibles and get to know God? Yes, but we go to his word not to educate ourselves about him but to know him with our whole hearts.
Isn't it important to tell our friends who don't know Jesus about him? Yes, but if he hasn't first captivated our hearts why would we want to?
With the heart being so important, do we understand what's going on in there? This book seeks to illuminate, to draw us near to God and to allow him to minister to our hearts.