The author of Kerygma: The Bible in Depth brings deep insight to a very challenging book. Studying Revelation in context clarifies its message to an early church facing severe crisis. Its relevance for today is not in prophetic visions, but in its affirmation of victory and hope.
Introduction: How to Study the Revelation
Setting in John’s Faith and Life
Setting in Seven Churches in Earth
Setting in Heave
Six Seals and the Saved Throngs
Seventh Seal, Six Trumpets, Three Woes of the Eagle
Interludes on Old Testament Themes: Seventh Trumpet
Signs: The Woman and the Dragon
Two Beasts and Several Sequels
The Seven Bowls: The Last Plagues
The Final Fall of “Babylon”
Victory in Heaven and Earth
All Things New
Epilogue: Final Address to the Church
The Leader’s Guide is written by an educator to unpack the Resource Book’s content into winning strategies for lively, interactive sessions. Our Leader’s Guides suggest a rich variety of learning strategies and offer multiple options for session planning. Leaders can be clergy, educators or lay persons.