This book considers the beatitudes, or blessings, given by the Lord Jesus when He commenced preaching the famous "sermon on the mount" (Matthew chapters 5 - 7). It contains some of the most famous teachings and sayings of the Lord Jesus and the "sermon on the mount" is often referenced in common day speech, even by people with a very limited understanding of the Bible. Perhaps, however, it is an area that is referenced much more than it is read, and certainly it is rarely explained, even amongst true believers. And yet, these beatitudes are the heart of the message of Christ. His message fundamentally changed character and mindsets. He was not here to gather adherents where mere mental assent to some key beliefs was all that was required. No, the whole life and character of disciples had to be changed and conformed to His standards, the standards of Heaven. Each verse, commandment, beatitude, parable, feast, and day will be expounded briefly, and the chapter will be readable in less than five minutes. At the end of each chapter is a space for notes. All references and scripture references will be placed in a footnote. The purpose is to allow each chapter to be read quickly, but to provide scriptural evidence for any interpretations given, to allow readers to explore the subject more fully, if they so desire. I strongly encourage the reader to read these Scriptures. It is the Scriptures that carry the power to transform our lives.