Expository Sanctification is not a book on preaching forpastors, it is a book on preaching for Christians. Mostbelievers will listen to thousands of sermons in their life, but may not understand how important these sermons areto their holiness. God designed the proclamation of HisWord to have a sanctifying effect on His people. In order tobenefit from this means of grace God's people mustunderstand the important role that expository preachingplays in the work of sanctification. This study will help youunderstand what you should expect from preaching andhow preaching can benefit your spiritual growth.Paul Shirley serves as the Pastor of Grace Community Church inWilmington, DE. He is a graduate of The Expositors Seminary (M.Div)and The Masters Seminary (D.Min), His other books include: Free to beHoly (with Jerry Wragg), The Irony of the Cross, and The ChristianHome