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Mentoring Warriors

Coming Alongside men 18-30 years old
  • By David E. Riffel
Product Description

Are you on the right path? Will you ever experience real manhood?

Young men (18-30) are warriors. That awesome stage of life where everything is on the line. An excellent read for men who want to do a better job at mentoring, and for warriors trying to fi gure life out. Wichita State University conducted a study to answer the question: What makes for a healthy mentoring relationship? Highlights of that study forms a basis for some of the insights in Mentoring Warriors. With biblical principles for mentoring, as well as advice for warriors in six key areas of life: self-management, life skills, education/career, relationships, faith and identity, this book has something for you.


Tackling the challenging topic of how to be a mentor and how to be mentored, David brings his decades of mentoring practice to the page. Insightful and transparent, David shares himself and his experience. Going deeper into the "hows" and "whys" of good mentoring practices, he brings practical, biblical advice for those desiring to make a signifi cant diff erence in the lives of others.

- Jeff Turner, TNW Group, Founder and Former CEO, Spirit Aerosystems.

Young men need mentors, they always have, and they need them now more than ever. But a mentor-less man grows into an inexperienced mentor. David Riffel's Mentoring Warriors is a great tool for developing the skills and the heart of a mentor. By helping older men become the mentors the world needs Mentoring Warriors is helping the young men who would otherwise go it alone their whole life.

- Sam Eldredge, coauthor of Killing Lions, Executive Director, And Sons Magazine, Out-reach Director for Millennial Men for Ransomed Heart Ministries. Colorado Springs, CO.

In his book, Mentoring Warriors, David Riffel shares with us the relational process that builds wholeness into our life as we walk through the challenges. Healthy account-ability strengthens, develops and grows men of honor. Through the pages, the reader discovers an intentional approach to mentorship. Mentoring Warriors is an encouraging approach to seeing God's potential in a person. This book helps to develop the skills to maximize effectiveness and encourages the relational process of time and patience as these God given gifts emerge. With a sage perspective, David Riffel encourages and inspires with a timely challenge. This is not a "one-size-fits-all" approach, but has a foundation built through trust and solid principles to maximize effectiveness. This book and topic have never been more important than it is today. Our world, our culture and our family is in need of healthy mentorship, and David Riffel delivers.

- Dan Russell, 4x NCAA Wrestling Champion, Olympic Wrestling Coach.


David Riffel is Founder and Executive Director of Mentoring Warriors, an organization dedicated to equipping men to mentor and prepare warriors (men ages 18-30) for life. Having gone through his warrior years essentially mentorless, God has placed in David a heart for warriors; to come alongside them as they figure life out. David and his Canadian wife live in the Kansas. They have two married children and enjoy spending time at their family cottage in Ontario. David may be reached through his website:

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781946277435
    • Manufacturer: KHARIS PUB
    • ISBN 13: 9781946277435
    • Publication Date: 09/30/2019
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: David E. Riffel

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