Discover God's inspirational words in book 1. As you word search Genesis chapters 1 through 27 of the Old Testament find out for yourself, why God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden? Why God sent a flood to cleanse the world, but had Noah build the Ark? And why Abraham became the seed of its salvation for all humankind? And More!
Today, with this easy to read inspirational and meaningful word search book you can start enjoying the Old Testament. Just like the 12 tribes lost in the desert, there are 12 words to search for on each page of scripture. In this book, you discover a better way to have biblical fun with your family and friends, and all the members of your Bible study group and congregation!
Whether a child or young adult, teen or senior, religious instructor or bible student have meaningful word search fun with the scriptures. Have fun testing your memory and what your friends know about Genesis. With fair usage teachers and instructors can use a page to start off a Bible class discussion, or assign a page as homework or home study, or even create a pop quiz.
With this 1st book in the series experience inspirational and meaningful word search fun as you explore Genesis in chapters 1 through 27. When you finish book 1, you will be looking forward to starting the next book in the series, Book 2: Genesis chapters 28 through 50.