This AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI will astonish...
"This is a riveting read of the spiritual journey of one of the most deeply disciplined seekers I have ever met. You'll find it provocative, entertaining, and spiritually sobering. It's hard to put down. Read it, digest it and be challenged. There's more to this story than meets the eye!"
Philip Johnson, co-author, Riding the Rollercoaster and Sacred Quest
"Today, many have embarked on a spiritual journey, but few have done it with the enthusiasm dedication and intensity of Michael Graham. While still a teenager, a twenty-eight-year odyssey began, leading him to India where he had dramatic encounters with some the 20th Century's most famous Eastern religious teachers.
In this personal account he tells of these meetings and spiritual 'awakenings' and then his subsequent efforts to reconcile his amazing experiences with his questioning intellect. At the same time, he presents an eloquent insider's account of the Western world's fascination with Eastern Mysticism. This enthralling story will stimulate and challenge all spiritual seekers."
Martin Roth, author Zen Guide and Living Water to Light the Journey
"If you enjoyed Death of a Guru, you will devour this and it will be compulsory reading for all who take seriously the impact Eastern spirituality is having on the Western world."
Ross Clifford, Principal, Morling Theological College, Sydney
"This is a gripping personal account of how an honest and passionate seeker of truth found the One who is the Truth. This book is a record of a fascinating quest and an amazing discovery, and must be read by all who are seeking for meaning and love in the growing postmodern spiritual market place."
Dr. Robert Solomon, Principal Trinity Theological College, Singapore