"This changes everything " That's the reaction Pastor Scott Wilson had when God led him to a deeper, richer, more biblical experience of the power of prayer. For years he had taught a passage out of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, but until that moment, he hadn't understood that when he prayed in the Spirit, God would give him understanding of what he was praying. Another realization came when he led his staff team in praying this way, and God gave them a diverse but unified prophetic voice. In this book, Pastor Scott explains how God led him and his church to experience far more of His mind, His heart, and His direction than ever before. And it's not a secret. Church staff teams, small groups, couples, families, and congregations can tap more deeply into the presence of the Spirit. He tells the story about how God led him to the concepts of "
P3 prayer," the biblical foundation of it, and the powerful process that enables all of us to listen as God speaks and "be filled with all the fullness of God." Do you want God to revolutionize your prayer life?