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God's Grand Finale and the End of the Age

  • By Gary D. Longbrake
Product Description

Through the ages many kings and prophets have desired to see the things we see and they did not see them, we are the chosen generation. Many prophecies of scripture are being fulfilled before our eyes and there are many more that are about to come. The rebirth of the state of Israel and the return of the Jews to the Holy Land is prophesied more than any other event in scripture, it is a sign of the times. Theodor Herzl is considered to be the father of the modern state of Israel. In his book, "The Jewish State," published 1896, it is said that as a child he saw King-Messiah in a dream, who said to him; "Go, declare to the Jews that I shall come soon and perform great wonders and great deeds for My people and for the whole world." Theodor's prophetic dream comes to life in the Biblical prophecies presented in this book. There is seen in the prophets a great and awesome SHOW of God's mighty power that shall take place in the last days. It is a show of God's power that is greater than anything He has done before, it is God's Grand Finale End Time events and the return of Christ will soon follow.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973619000
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973619000
    • Publication Date: 01/03/2019
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Gary D. Longbrake

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