The situation that now obtains in the Caribbean is neither the most desirable nor the best possible. But it will not only change but also promise to do so dramatically throughout the entire region. Ashley Smith shows that Christianity has never really taken a root in the Caribbean but has remained a potted plant that has managed to survive in the little containers in which it was brought from the nurseries. But the Caribbean situation is nothing but God's opportunity to redeem his people so that they may be able to fulfil their sonship.
Smith's book is an insider's critical look at the church in the midst of the emergent Caribbean.
Ashly Smith lectures at the United Theological College of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. He holds diplomas or degrees from UTCWI; London University; Lancaster Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania; and Princeton Theological Seminary. He has held pastorates in rural Jamaica, the inner city, and suburbia. He was a four-time moderator of the United Church of Jamaica and the Grand Cayman and has served as President of the Jamaica Council of Churches for two consecutive years.