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Embracing the Heartbeat of God

My Second Book
  • By Pastor Annie S. Blackwell
Product Description

This book is an inspirational book to those that are determined to hold on to God. It's not a fictional book. But everything that has been written in this book is truly an experience and encounter that has really happened in my life. The Lord has allowed me by my faith to walk through every page of this book. And the only reason that I have conquered the things that has happened in my life is because of the relationship that I have created and developed with my God, who is my personal savior and keeper of my soul.

I pray that this book will encourage somebody else to never give up on God No matter what your life might look like, there is always hope and restoration in him If you know God personally, it will be your faith in him that will establish you. In your relationship with God, learning and knowing the Lord Jesus in the real sense of knowing him will make a difference in your life completely. Taking God at his word is the first step to real peace in your soul, mind, and spirit. When you allow the Lord Jesus Christ to be the priority in your life, there is nothing that God won't and can't walk you through in life. He has truly been a healer and a doctor to me In fact, I can honestly say as God told Moses to say. When he sent Moses to Pharoah to tell him to let his people go, he told Moses to tell Pharoah that his name is "I am that I am." This means that God can be anything that you want him to be to you. So I can say the same thing about God in my life because I have tried him. Because he has been an "I am that I am" to me Everything that I needed him to be in my life. There is no doubt in my mind or heart that my God is real

I pray that this book will minister to your soul, spirit, mind, and heart as you read it. So open your "spiritual ear" to the voice of God and hear him speak to you.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973655411
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973655411
    • Publication Date: 04/08/2019
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Pastor Annie S. Blackwell

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