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Grace on the Arrow

Wisdom Keys for Women of Audacious Faith and the Men Who Love Them
  • By Dr Ty McDonald
Product Description

In Grace on the Arrow, author Dr. Ty McDonald crafts an inspiring story full of insight and wisdom keys for those in Christian service. She blends her own extraordinary experiences as a woman called to full-time Christian ministry, a brain tumor survivor, elected official, and wife and mother with the story of the prophet Deborah and other notable women of the Bible.

She integrates scripture with her story, often addressing controversial issues within the Christian church in a non-confrontational and disarming manner that allows for contemplation. Through the transparent sharing of her struggles serving the church, McDonald offers Christians the weapons for spiritual warfare to help them overcome obstacles common to those in ministry, both male and female. It helps them find the boldness to pursue their own place in ministry and in the world.

Grace on the Arrow inspires seasoned and emerging female ministry leaders and men, as well as non-Christians, to pursue their individual call and motivate them to persevere through adversity to actualize the purpose of God in their life. It tells the story of the indomitable human spirit that overcomes against great odds.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973656906
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973656906
    • Publication Date: 03/26/2019
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Dr Ty McDonald

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