Entwined in a labyrinth of distortion, illusion, and delusion, a young woman's reality is drastically altered when her true identity is revealed in a moment of stunning hostility. Unraveling the web of the past, she discovers core shaking truths, but also strength in the most improbable person and path.
Fire Vision, is a uniquely engulfing narrative of discovery, metamorphosis and a vigorous battle for wellness. A new life beckons for one named Ebba, but the shadows of the past are relentlessly inescapable. In the midst of them she finds herself, and the greatest disguised heroine whom she set out to save, yet in the end is saved by her.
For anyone - especially youth and young adults - facing struggles and seemingly unsurmountable barriers in life, Fire Vision is a tale of strength, resiliency and empowerment. A thriving, sustainable, victorious life is its testimony.