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Coming out of Moab

  • By Cassandra L. McCray
Product Description

Coming Out of Moab

Many are familiar with the book of Ruth in the Holy Bible. Coming Out of Moab is based from the biblical context when Naomi and her family were in the region of Moab. Elimelech, her deceased husband had uprooted the family from Judah into Moab. There she would become a widow, motherless and face a famine in the land that was never fertile nor fruitful. Naomi is described as a matriarch for her two (2) daughter in laws, Ruth and Orpah. These women were now in Moab as both widows and childless facing an economic crisis. Their providers (husbands) are now dead. Naomi is faced with losing the little family she has with Ruth and Orpah. She tells the ladies that they can no longer stay in Moab that she will return to her native land, Bethlehem. She tries to persuade them to go back to their fathers. Moab is Ruth and Orpah native land they are considered Moabite women. Here we see them preparing to leave the land, experience and even their culture.

As you read the book of Ruth along with this compilation of writings; it is my prayer that you are prepared and strengthened while going through your moabic experience. Please know this Litany of prayer.

I AM Naomi:
I Am Strong. I am Resilient. I am Anointed. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a warrior. I am a conqueror. I am equipped, and I am Coming Out of Moab.

Your moabic experience may seem as if this famine will be forever but it is only for a moment. God places us in these regions to equip us for what he has for us when we enter Bethlehem.

You are Coming out of Moab.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973673156
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973673156
    • Publication Date: 09/06/2019
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Cassandra L. McCray

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