When it comes to a Triune God or how Jesus Christ can be 100% human and 100% divine, you have probably heard comments such as, "It can't be explained" or "Just believe it on faith." Personally, while admitting that these days anything short of an Instagram release that "God is 3 in 1" does require faith, I find those explanations are just lazy. Christians, stop treating logic like it leads to corrupt morals and realize it is your ally; a tool to build your faith and strengthen others. Non-Christians, don't stumble into reasoning that logic points to nothing outside of time, space and matter. There is actual evidence in what and why Christians believe. It is the goal of this author to provide sufficient proof for the Christian ministry leader to have an ample apologetic resource, for the Christian layperson to have their faith enhanced through spiritual anchors and for the non-Christian to understand that Christians do not just believe these doctrines on blind faith but rather due to substantial amounts of sensible logic presented in the Bible itself. Put another way, Logikos is meant to be the everlasting gobstopper for the mind and soul unleashing either an enduring logic that leads ultimately to spirituality or an unrelenting spirituality that is nourished through reason.