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Held and Beloved

Discover the Passion to Tell Your Own Story of Jesus, the One Who Holds You and Loves You Like No Other!
  • By Wendi Stewart Colaiuta
Product Description

Echoes. Through time. Across generations. Women who rejoice in telling their stories Stories that are unique and intimate. Stories rooted in heartache and struggle where courageous faith is birthed. Stories that draw our hearts to one place. To the one true GOD, who transcends time and circumstance. The One who is weaving strands of the greatest love story ever told. It started with His Son and builds with every new heart that is drawn to trust Him. Drawn by cords of love, not force, and held with strength and power that is also tender and abundantly generous. Let their stories draw you in, help you see the beauties of the One who loves you more than any other. Be encouraged to believe He longs to embrace you too. Join the chorus of voices who declare that JESUS is precious and let Him ignite a passion in you to tell your own story of being Held and Beloved by Him

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973679530
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973679530
    • Publication Date: 11/15/2019
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Wendi Stewart Colaiuta

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