Amelia "Aims" Wallace is a navy investigator working out of the office in Brunswick, Georgia. Her team leader, Rick Holt, also happens to be her best friend and perhaps something more. Aims has always been fascinated by the process of finding the evidence and solving the mysteries of the case. Now her job consists of finding out why-a challenge that she relishes.
Rick, Aims, and Larry, another team member, have been called to look into the crash of a corporate jet at an executive airport near Naples, Florida. Ordinarily the task would belong to the NTSB, but the passengers included several high-ranking navy officers. As the team begins to investigate, they discover that the details of the crash do not match the report. Then a sniper takes shots at their vehicle, confirming that there's more going on than a simple crash. Meanwhile, the relationship between Rick and Aims shifts, and she finds herself questioning the validity of her faith and wondering whether God remembers her.
In this novel, a trio of navy investigators checking out the crash of a private jet in Florida face external attacks and internal struggles of faith and love.