After almost thirty years, it seems that the poetry part of God's journey for me might be coming to a close. This will be the third and final book of His published poems. I do realize that I am just the loyal and loving servant that He chose to be one of His penman's. The previous other two books, "From God's Heart, to Mine, to Yours" and "More, From God's Heart, to Mine, to Yours" have been well received and I have heard nothing but good and blessed comments about them, as I am sure with this one I will also.
Besides being blessed to publish God's poems, I am also blessed to present musical PowerPoint presentations to shut-ins. How awesome it is to be able to reach out with God's Love and touch another soul in need. This part of the His journey for me will continue until He says, "Rest". To understand fully His impact on my life I encourage all to visit my website,, "God's Love Outreach Western New York.