Many devotionals are in circulation; no other should be introduced just to increase their number. This devotional is unique in a number of ways, including: a) It is written in English that is simple enough for a 5-year old to understand, yet parents are not bored studying it. This devotional has struck a wonderful balance and completely avoided oversimplification and difficult presentation style; b) This devotional has subject areas from Genesis to Revelation and each subject is simplified - with explanations and examples; c) It is family-based, family-friendly and totally inter-denominational, avoiding areas of doctrinal controversies; d) Selected passages and associated titles cover a wide variety of human behavior, activities and relationships; e) God's intervention in the affairs of mankind as individuals, families, communities and nations is brought to light and relevance for today; f) This devotional was planned to be a resource-cum-reference material for daily reading and study for a year by family members.