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Now Is the Time for the Church to Be the Glorious Church

A Prophetic Word for the End Times Church from the Book of Ephesians
  • By Pastor Matthew B. Dyer
Product Description

One morning, during Pastor Matthew B. Dyer's prayer time, he was meditating on truths he was learning from the prayer of Ephesians chapter 1, and suddenly, the whole book of Ephesians opened up to him. Pastor Matthew began to understand Ephesians as a book for the church of these last days before the return of Jesus. The more he studied and meditated on these truths, the more excited he became.

Throughout the last decade of teaching and endeavoring to live these truths, his understanding of the glorious church and its importance has grown and matured. In Now Is the Time for the Church to Be the Glorious Church, he presents what he's learned and shows you how to:

- walk in your authority in Christ;

- be filled with all the fullness of God;

- walk in unity as the body of Christ;

- be part of the glorious church and live without spot or wrinkle; and

- be victorious in spiritual warfare and infiltrate the kingdoms of this world with the kingdom of God.

Now Is the Time for the Church to Be the Glorious Church shares that God has a plan for the church in these last days before Jesus's return. It's so grand in God's plan that it's not optional; God will have his glorious church. That is what Jesus died for, and that is the work of the Holy Spirit in the church now.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973686668
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973686668
    • Publication Date: 03/26/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Pastor Matthew B. Dyer

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