Father in heaven, through the Holy Spirit, You have faithfully kept Your promise and have carried us all the way through our journey of life with You. We owe all our life, love, obedience, and thanksgiving to You. In the glorious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray, amen.
It was while reading the gospel of John that Randy Christianson first began to see parallels between Moses' and Israel's wilderness journey with God and our own journey in this world with Jesus.
Journey through Life is a volume of fifty-two devotions that explore the resemblances of Israel's journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom (abundant life) in Canaan and our journey from slavery of sin to freedom (abundant life) in Christ.
Each devotion is divided into five sections that include a word or words whose meanings arise from a biblical perspective and end with a prayer and a verse of the week or day that summarizes the devotional.
Throughout his devotions, Christianson reminds those belonging to Christ and spiritual seekers that God is faithful and never forsakes those who are in Christ, despite our daily struggle with sin.