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Debunking Darwinian Evolution, Global Warming & Other Misconceptions

  • By William C. Cekal Bsme
Product Description

This book attempts to show where the public is being deceived into believing erroneous assumptions as factual by the media and in academic circles worldwide without scientific corroboration and provides a contrarian view to the predominant consensus. Today, the scientific method is being ignored by many scientists and those with an inadequate understanding of technological principles. Many embrace a unscientific approach to new theories and accept them based on majority vote without regard for empirical evidence. The scientific method consists of rigorous observation, experimentation and reasoning to resolve the rationale for a proposed hypothesis. Instead, many scientists today use computer modeling to convince others of the correctness of their theory. More often than not the input to these computer programs consists of erroneous unsubstantiated data, unconfirmed phenomenon or misconceptions which result in incorrect conclusions. With the advent of immediate worldwide communication unfounded beliefs are being disseminated worldwide by the media, pseudo-scientists, ill-informed educators, politicians and those with an unsubstantiated opinion with little or no basis in scientific fact. This book provides numerous scientifically based data in an attempt to discredit these unscientific opinions and provides extensive factual scientific disclosure on each point of contention for a more comprehensive counter-defense. Having read this book, you will have scrutinized these erroneous claims to a greater extent than those that seek personal recognition in media outlets or for personal gain without proper research. Debunking Darwinian Evolution, Global Warming & Other Misconceptions is intended to give readers an insight into why these specific fallacies exist, why they continue to be propagated without proper scientific scrutiny and to provide opposing in-depth research in the hope of dispelling these myths.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781973692669
    • Manufacturer: Westbow Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781973692669
    • Publication Date: 07/16/2020
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: William C. Cekal Bsme

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