English summary: The upcoming anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 presents believers' church theologians with an opportunity to reflect upon their relation to the Reformation in general and Martin Luther in particular - not only from a historical but also from a present point of view. This volume includes representative articles from Baptist, Methodist and Free Evangelical perspectives. The contributions offer some surprising insights and reveal a variety of approaches to Luther and the Reformation within the different strands of the free church tradition. To what extent can believers' churches claim to be legitimate heirs of the Reformation and, at the same time, represent a distinctly independent manifestation of evangelical Christianity? This book will serve readers from free church backgrounds in their ecumenical quest, and it will supply readers from established church backgrounds with enough material to enter into an dialog with free churches about the significance of Luther and the Reformation for today's Church.
German description: Inwiefern sind auch Freikirchen Erben der Reformation? Das Jubilaum 2017 bietet evangelischen Freikirchen Anlass, sich und anderen Rechenschaft uber ihr Verhaltnis zu Martin Luther und der Reformation insgesamt zu geben - nicht allein unter historischen Gesichtspunkten, sondern auch aus gegenwartiger Sicht. In diesem Buch sind reprasentative Beitrage zur Thematik aus der Perspektive baptistischer, methodistischer und freier evangelischer Theologinnen und Theologen zusammengestellt. Sie bieten uberraschende Erkenntnisse und zeigen verschiedene, gelegentlich auch inhaltlich differierende Zugange von Freikirchlern zur lutherischen Reformation.