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Libro de Promesas de Aliento Y Ánimo Para Cada Día

Libro de Cheques del Banco de la Fe
Product Description

Promesas de aliento y ánimo para cada día, por C.H. Spurgeon es un devocional donde encontrarás promesas bíblicas para enfrentar cada día, recibe aire fresco, en un libro práctico, visualmente bello y ordenado que permite una cómoda experiencia de lectura. Contiene un devocional diario, con breves comentarios basados en la experiencia de Spurgeon (autor prolífico de libros de oración, devocionales, artículos, poesía e himnos). La lectura devocional es un hábito personal que todo cristiano debe cultivar y este libro ayudará a los fieles a practicar la oración, así como abrazar la veracidad de la promesa de la gracia de Dios.Incluye:

  • Un devocional para cada día del año.
  • Fecha correspondiente del año a la lectura en el encabezado.
  • Espacio para escribir notas personales en cada página.
  • Versículos destacados.
  • Tipografía y estructura ordenada agradable que permite una experiencia cómoda de lectura.
  • Citas de la escritura (Antiguo Testamento y Nuevo Testamento).

The Promises of God: A New Edition of the Classic Devotional Based on the English Standard Version

The Promises of God, by C.H. Spurgeon is a devotional where you will find biblical promises and encouragement to face what each day brings, receive a breath of fresh air, in a practical, visually beautiful, and orderly book that allows a comfortable reading experience. It contains a daily devotional, with brief comments based on the experience of Spurgeon (a prolific author of prayer books, devotionals, articles, poetry, and hymns). Devotional reading is a personal habit that every Christian should cultivate, and this book will help the faithful practice prayer as well as embrace the truthfulness of God's promise of grace. It includes:

  • A devotional for each day of the year.
  • Corresponding date of the year to be read in the header.
  • Space to write personal notes on each page.
  • Featured verses.
  • Nice typography and neat structure that allows for a comfortable reading experience.
  • Scripture quotes (Old Testament and New Testament).
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9788417131623
    • Manufacturer: Vida Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9788417131623
    • Publication Date: 10/15/2019
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Charles H. Spurgeon

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    This item is available for return. At Cokesbury, we offer various expedited shipping methods for an additional charge during checkout. However, products with long lead times and those shipped from a Cokesbury Connect Partner are not eligible for expedited shipping. If you select expedited shipping at checkout and your order includes items that cannot be expedited, you will receive a notice explaining that not all items are eligible.