After a mysterious and frightening phone call from daughter Madison, Addie Girard rashly dashes off to Colorado with friends Lottie Frisham and Lacy Tindal to rescue Madison from...what? At fire-damaged Shadow Tree Mountain ski resort, they find Madison and a dead body...or did they? The malfunctioning resort is leading Maddie on a merry chase of activities...or is she leading them?
With a dark cloud of suspicion lowering over her daughter, Addie along with Lottie and Lacy must find a missing body and match wits with a stubborn sheriff while uncovering the resort staff's most dangerous secrets. A mountain of mayhem and murky identities dog the Wanderwood threesome's steps as they meet famous romance writer Tenatha Holmes...or who? Delaying their investigation could set up the resort...for a few murders more...