"My God why have You forsaken me? I cry out by day, but You do not answer; And by night, but I have no rest (Ps 22:1-2 NSAB). Familiar words amid our brokenness, fears, and discouragements. "If the Lord is with [me] as I had been told, why then has all this happened to [me]? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about?" (Judg 6:13). We've all been there--lost in the maze of our own pain and suffering, adversity, and tragedy, looking for answers and relief. Lord, Why? is a common response when catastrophe happens, and unexpected heartbreak strikes. We demand answers and reassurances of God's faithfulness, love, power. and wisdom. Lord, Why? asks the hard questions of hurting people. Where were You when I needed You? Don't You love me? How could You let this happen? What have I done to deserve this? and more. Questions are plentiful. Answers are in short supply, but the need to trust a loving, sovereign God through thick and thin and regain perspective remains a necessity for the healing of the wounded soul. This book will challenge and comfort those trying to make sense of grief and heartache.