Are you considering becoming a foster parent? Are you already a foster parent? Do you wonder why a person would willingly put their heart on the line for the sake of a child they didn't give birth to? Well, this book is written just for you. Courtney Fillebaum has written this book using her experiences as a foster parent as the well she drew from. She shares the fostering experience with her husband and young children (biological and adopted.) The stories within are meant to be used as a guide that will help you develop a plan for your family if you choose to enter into the fostering parenting role as well. This book will encourage and equip you if you are already on the foster parenting road, as Courtney provides tips and resources that have helped her over the years. Courtney does not hold back as she chronicles all the joys and struggles that come with bringing a child into your family through foster care. If you have ever thought, "How does anyone love and let go?" The answer lies within the pages of this book.