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Historia de La Iglesia Cristiana

  • By Jesse L. Hurlbut
  • By Jesse L. Hurlbut
Product Description

Dise ado para dos p blicos, este libro contiene bosquejos y referencias en los m rgenes para ayudar al estudiante y al maestro, junto con una narraci n continua y numerosas ilustraciones para el lector general.

Ninguna instituci n ha cubierto m s siglos y m s continentes que la iglesia cristiana. Su historia dram tica es de derramamiento de sangre y paz, corrupci n y pobreza. Aqu el doctor Hurlbut vuelve a contar esta historia con un estilo objetivo, conciso y claro, haciendo nfasis en el esp ritu de la iglesia, su crecimiento y maduraci n, y las causas que condujeron a los acontecimientos hist ricos y su influencia resultante. Preciso, al d a, y presentado en forma v vida, Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana, de Hurlbut, cubre los seis per odos generales de la historia de la iglesia desde el a o 30 d. C. hasta el d a de hoy.

En esta edici n revisada despu s de la muerte del doctor Hurlbut, se ha a adido una secci n de conclusi n que abarca el per odo desde el fallecimiento del autor hasta la actualidad para darnos un vistazo completo y f cil de entender acerca de la iglesia cristiana. Es ideal para utilizarlo en la Escuela Dominical, ya que al final del libro se incluyen bosquejos sugeridos y preguntas de repaso para cada cap tulo.

History of the Christian Church

Designed for two audiences, this book contains outlines and references in the margins to aid the student or teacher along with a continuous narrative and numerous illustrations for the general reader.

No other institution has spanned more centuries and more continents than the Christian church. Its dramatic story is one of bloodshed and peace, corruption and poverty. Here Dr. Hurlbut retells the story in an objective, concise, and clear style, emphasizing the spirit of the church, its growth and maturity, and the causes leading to historic events and their resulting influence.

Accurate, up-to-date, and vividly presented, Hurlbut's "Story of the Christian Church" traces the six general periods of church history from A.D. 30 to the present time. In this revised edition prepared after Dr. Hurlbut's death, an additional concluding section covers the years from the time of the author's death to the present, thus providing the reader with a comprehensive and easy to understand overview of the Christian church.

Designed for two audiences, this book contains outlines and references in the margins to aid the student or teacher along with a continuous narrative and numerous illustrations for the general reader. It is ideal for use in Sunday school classes, because suggested outlines and review questions for each chapter are included at the end of the book.

Dise ado para dos p blicos, este libro contiene bosquejos y referencias en los m rgenes para ayudar al estudiante y al maestro, junto con una narraci n continua y numerosas ilustraciones para el lector general.

Ninguna instituci n ha cubierto m s siglos y m s continentes que la iglesia cristiana. Su historia dram tica es de derramamiento de sangre y paz, corrupci n y pobreza. Aqu el doctor Hurlbut vuelve a contar esta historia con un estilo objetivo, conciso y claro, haciendo nfasis en el esp ritu de la iglesia, su crecimiento y maduraci n, y las causas que condujeron a los acontecimientos hist ricos y su influencia resultante. Preciso, al d a, y presentado en forma v vida, Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana, de Hurlbut, cubre los seis per odos generales de la historia de la iglesia desde el a o 30 d. C. hasta el d a de hoy.

En esta edici n revisada despu s de la muerte del doctor Hurlbut, se ha a adido una secci n de conclusi n que abarca el per odo desde el fallecimiento del autor hasta la actualidad para darnos un vistazo completo y f cil de entender acerca de la iglesia cristiana. Es ideal para utilizarlo en la Escuela Dominical, ya que al final del libro se incluyen bosquejos sugeridos y preguntas de repaso para cada cap tulo.

History of the Christian Church

Designed for two audiences, this book contains outlines and references in the margins to aid the student or teacher along with a continuous narrative and numerous illustrations for the general reader.

No other institution has spanned more centuries and more continents than the Christian church. Its dramatic story is one of bloodshed and peace, corruption and poverty. Here Dr. Hurlbut retells the story in an objective, concise, and clear style, emphasizing the spirit of the church, its growth and maturity, and the causes leading to historic events and their resulting influence.

Accurate, up-to-date, and vividly presented, Hurlbut's "Story of the Christian Church" traces the six general periods of church history from A.D. 30 to the present time. In this revised edition prepared after Dr. Hurlbut's death, an additional concluding section covers the years from the time of the author's death to the present, thus providing the reader with a comprehensive and easy to understand overview of the Christian church.

Designed for two audiences, this book contains outlines and references in the margins to aid the student or teacher along with a continuous narrative and numerous illustrations for the general reader. It is ideal for use in Sunday school classes, because suggested outlines and review questions for each chapter are included at the end of the book.

  •   Hardcover ($17.99)
  •   eBook ($4.99)
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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780829720037
    • Manufacturer: Vida Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780829720037
    • ISBN 10: 0829720030
    • Language of Text: Spanish
    • Publication Date: 06/21/1999
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Jesse L. Hurlbut
    • Page Count: 206
    • Width: 5.55 inches
    • Height: 0.76 inches
    • Length: 8.82 inches
    • Weight: 0.04 pounds
    • SKU: 9780829781700
    • Manufacturer: Vida Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780829781700
    • Publication Date: 06/21/1999
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Jesse L. Hurlbut
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds
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