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Holy Spokes

The Search for Urban Spirituality on Two Wheels
  • By Laura Everett
Product Description
Invites readers to embrace the spiritual and communal benefits of cycling in the city

After Laura Everett's car died on the highway one rainy night, she started riding her bicycle to work and began an unlikely conversion to full-time bicycle commuter.

InHoly SpokesEverett tells how she became a dedicated cyclist and uses her story to develop a distinctly urban spirituality. With chapters structured around the parts of a bicycle, the book looks at the history of cycling, relates Everett's own experiences biking in Boston, and reflects on the spiritual dimensions of moving through the city on two wheels.

"As I bike across the cobblestones and potholes of Boston," Everett says, "I now have daily opportunity to see the life of my city more clearly, love the broken world around me more dearly, and follow this path more nearly. Curiously, I think I am closer to God because of my bicycle.""
  •   Holy Spokes - [eBook] ($22.99)
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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781467446907
    • Manufacturer: William B Eerdmans Pub Co
    • ISBN 13: 9781467446907
    • Publication Date: 04/01/2017
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Laura Everett
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