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Leading from Your Gut -

How You Can Succeed by Harnessing the Power of Your Values, Feelings, and Intuition
Product Description

As a leader, your decisions are critical. They have a significant effect on you and everyone around you. But the effective leader needs to have more than just logic, facts, and financials to help make the best choices. Leaders also must access their own intuition, that gut feeling inside.

Dr. John Townsend knows that a leader's internal world--the world of intuition, creativity, emotion, and spirituality--is just as important as the external world of data and best practices. Who you are on the inside determines your success as a leader even more than the things you do or the things you know. "You were designed with both an external world and an inner world," Townsend says, "and they work well together. Accessing both of these areas will take a little knowledge and a little work, but it will help you be the leader you want to be."

In Leading from Your Gut, you'll learn how leaders excel not just through external competencies and skills but by drawing on their internal world and personal experience. You'll explore how to harness the power of your values, thoughts, emotions, and relationships to better meet the complex demands of leadership.

As you apply Townsend's principles, you will see great results in your leadership. But more importantly, you'll experience the kind of personal transformation that will enable you to lead as a whole person.

Leading from Your Gut will help emerging and veteran leaders alike to hone their intuition and become the leader they were meant to be.

  •   Leading from Your Gut - [eBook] ($12.76)
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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780310350125
    • ISBN 13: 9780310350125
    • Publication Date: 06/06/2018
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: John Townsend
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