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Learning Change -

Congregational Transformation Fueled by Personal Renewal
  • By Jim Herrington, Trisha Taylor
Product Description
How congregations can change into missional, fruitful learning communities
"Jim and Trisha understand that profound change roots in individuals before it transfuses systems. Having observed the cycle in themselves as well as in others, they shepherd us into the remissioning work of the Holy Spirit."
--Thomas F. Tumblin, professor of leadership, Asbury Theological Seminary
In a groundbreaking seven-year experience, Jim Herrington and Trisha Taylor led a cluster of churches in a process of personal and congregational transformation that is producing hope and health. Built on a sound understanding of learning organization theory, adaptive leadership, family systems theory, and recent discoveries in the neurosciences, Herrington and Taylor developed and refined a highly fruitful model of church renewal. This model begins with personal renewal in which congregations learn how to become learning communities and ends with church-wide transformation.
Learning Change is the pastor and congregational leaders' field guide to leading change. Each chapter provides training and information, an aspect of the learning change model, stories of real-life experiences in churches, and questions and suggestions for taking this information into a congregational context.
  •   Learning Change - [eBook] ($18.99)
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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780825487446
    • Manufacturer: Kregel Pubn
    • ISBN 13: 9780825487446
    • Publication Date: 05/01/2017
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Jim Herrington
    • Author: Trisha Taylor
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