The Mystery of the Gospel: Revealing the First Century Truths about the Kingdom of God, is an attempt to expose the messages of the coming Kingdom of God to earth, which Christ brought down from the Father unto mankind. This knowledge is not known by majority of professing Christendom but which God wants the latter to be encompassed by the truth. Because it is evident that there is an undeniable force, power and sovereignty of the Spirit of God moving within the true Church of God and also the end-time charismatic movement of Christians.
The coming of Christ and His establishment of the Church of God became the standard and benchmark for living the Christian life at the time. However due to opposing forces to the Church of God and the first followers of Christ, the truth became suppressed.
In other words, the first Century message and essence of the coming of Christ to proclaim His coming kingdom became lost or seriously flawed.
Fortunately, Christ gave a promise concerning His Church. He said ..... "I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."
Despite the continuous existence of God's true Church, God is still real and moving in the lives of all professing Christians who are in the majority but are ignorant of the existence of the true Church of God...... God is not out to save all of humanity in this lifetime but will introduce and re-educate humanity to the laws and government of heaven in the millennial rule of Christ here on earth. God is a family and as Christ is the first born of many brethren so shall the "first-fruit" saints be called, begotten and then born or resurrected as sons and daughters and the rest of professing Christians, as the children being retaught the truths, laws, statutes and commandments of God in the kingdom.