Money Wise can help you manage both your finances and your approach to life at the same time. You'll learn that money is made by those who serve others best. You'll also learn that money is lost by those who serve only them- selves. The economy of God doesn't keep score in money terms, but you'll learn how His economics prosper those who love Him. Money Wise values the "wise" over the "money." The objective of life is joy, not material wealth; therefore, the decisions you make along the way should result in joy whether wealth follows or not.
If you're in financial distress, Money Wise can help you devise a way out of debt. If you're very rich but not happy, Money Wise can help you use your riches to be happy. If you're just treading water, Money Wise can help you find solid ground. But be prepared for change. Each of the 250 proverbs may require you to see finances in a different light. After you contemplate the wis- dom presented, you'll be more confident in acting differently toward your betterment and the betterment of others, because betterment is what God de- sires for us. He has plans to prosper you. You simply need to ask Him and then do as He instructs.