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Activist Hermeneutics of Liberation in the Bible

A Global Intersectional Perspective
  • By Gregory L. Cuéllar, Jin Young Choi
Product Description

Inspired by the current political moment around the globe in which uprisings, protests, revolutions, and movements are on the rise, this book examines the intersections between the Bible and activism. It does this by showcasing intersectional readings of the Bible as an activist act and a tool for activism; historicizing the uses of the Bible within activist/freedom movements around the globe; and offering activist approaches to teaching the Bible. Each chapter in this volume provides a critical and substantive response from the discipline of Biblical Studies to global political trends. International in scope, with contributors from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Oceania, South Africa, and the United States, they address themes such as gender politics, racial injustices, violence toward women, political resistance, and activist hermeneutics and pedagogies. Together they harness the intellectual energies of minoritized Biblical scholars in a nonessentialist manner to reflect on the Bible as a tool for liberating social and political change. Reflecting on the activist potential of the Bible, this book will be of keen interest to scholars in Biblical Studies, Political Theology, and Religious Studies.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780367544966
    • Manufacturer: Routledge
    • ISBN 13: 9780367544966
    • Publication Date: 02/03/2023
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Jin Young Choi
    • Author: Gregory L. Cuéllar

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