Confirmation is an important marker along our spiritual journeys. It marks the first time a baptized Christian publicly "confirms" their intention to live the vows of the baptismal and membership covenant and so becomes a professing member of the local congregation. Confirmation is a means of grace for those in the community of faith.
Cokesbury has products that will help you make Confirmation more than a mere checkpoint along a faith journey. It is an opportunity to help your students develop a challenging, lifelong faith. At Cokesbury, you can find confirmation resources that will fit your church and educational needs.
Cokesbury offers several confirmation programs from which you can select based on your context and situation. Make Confirmation the beginning of a lifelong adventure of faith.
Confirm is an easy-to-follow and fully customizable confirmation program that can be used virtually any church setting and provides students with the basic beliefs of a theologically sound faith.
Affirm is a discipleship resource that provides a flipped classroom experience, enabling teens to articulate what they believe and why, helping them see how faith can be practiced in their everyday lives.
Making Disciples by Will Willimon is a mentor-based confirmation program that pairs confirmands with adult mentors that will strengthen the student's understanding of the faith while connecting him or her with the community of believers in a personal way
Colaborate is a collection of handbooks (available for Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran youth) that guides students through a process of discovery to drive engagement with each other, the Bible, and God.
I Will, With God's Help is an Episcopal confirmation program, based on the Baptismal Covenant from The Book of Common Prayer, encouraging youth and adults to share their own faith journeys.
Cokesbury also has everything you will need for meaningful confirmation services. Confirmation bulletins and stationery as well as confirmation candles and certificates will help provide a supportive and dignified atmosphere. Also available are quality Confirmation stoles and robes.
Cokesbury offers a full variety of Bibles for study, reference, journaling, adventure bibles for kids, and many additional formats. You will also find a variety of translations such as NRSV, NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, NLT, and featuring the Common English Bible (CEB).
Cokesbury carries a selection of Bible studies for your small groups. Discover topical studies and textual studies for women, men, leaders or youth. No matter the size, age, or configuration, you can discover a study that will teach, inspire, and encourage you on your faith journey.
Cokesbury offers a robust selection of curriculum for churches and groups of any size. You will find a variety of offerings for Children, Youth, Adult, Multigenerational. Browse our selections at Cokesbury.
You can also find a variety of Christian books for Christian Living, Leadership, Devotionals, Gift Books, Fiction, and Kids. Deepen your spiritual walk and strengthen your faith with resources for all aspects of church life.
Cokesbury is your one-stop place to shop for all your church supply needs. It is a convenient way to keep your congregation stocked with the communion supplies, baptismal needs, bulletins, certificates, candles, and even clergy apparel. Save time and money by partnering with Cokesbury.
Cokesbury features a great selection of VBS programs that are fun and easy to use from a variety of publishers and one of them is perfect for you. Cokesbury has a handy VBS comparison chart to help you see at a glance which programs have the features you want.
Love a good bargain? Then checkout the clearance section at Cokesbury. Simply put, our clearance sales are not to be missed and feature great deals on items from every department. Cokesbury’s clearance section offers great deals on a variety of items such as supplies, Bibles, books, curriculum, studies, gifts, and you never know what else.
Shop Cokesbury for all your Christian product needs.