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United Methodists and Communion

Product Description

In this brochure, the Rev. Hoyt L. Hickman answers questions about Communion: questions such as “Why do United Methodists call this sharing of bread and cup by different names, such as Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, and Eucharist?”; “May young children receive Communion?”; “May I receive Communion without standing or kneeling?”; as well as many other questions and answers. Also available in Korean Spanish and can be found in the Related Products Section below.

Parishioners frequently ask about the stances and practices of The United Methodist Church. This brochure, along with its companion brochures can help church members understand official church positions and encourage further dialogue. The set can be of great value to those who are beginning their study of The United Methodist Church beliefs, as well as those who have long been in the church and want a helpful way to refresh their understandings of the distinctiveness of United Methodist positions and practices.

Parishioners frequently ask about the stances and practices of The United Methodist Church. This brochure, “along with its companion brochures can help church members understand official church positions, and encourage further dialogue. The set can be of great value to those who are beginning their study of The United Methodist Church beliefs, as well as those who have long been in the church and want a helpful way to refresh their understandings of the distinctiveness of United Methodist positions and practices.

Brochures in this set are:

“What’s So Great About Being United Methodist?”

“United Methodist Social Justice Stands”

“Healing Where It Hurts: Dealing with Death and Bereavement”

“A United Methodist Understanding of Baptism: Who Tells You Who You Are?”

“The People of The United Methodist Church: Our History, Our Mission, Our Beliefs”

“Meet the People of The United Methodist Church

A Review Set of the brochures is available in the Related Products Section below.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780687030408
    • Publisher: Abingdon Press
    • ISBN 13: 9780687030408
    • ISBN 10: 0687030404
    • Strategic Partners: Methodist
    • Publication Date: 11/01/2001
    • Format: Paperback

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