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Depressed People of the Bible

Freedom from a Cave of Depression to the Light of Life
  • By Steve Wohlberg, Jeff Zaremsky
Product Description

Don't spend one more day without hope

Sometimes we forget that great heroes of the faith endured tremendous struggles and trials. They were not immune to bad days and depression. But many of those heroes experienced mighty works of God and had their mourning turned to dancing.

In Depressed People of the Bible, Jeff Zaremsky takes a unique look at depression as he highlights how God carried familiar biblical characters through seasons of depression. At the same time, he presents modern-day stories of deliverance, allowing readers to glean from God's faithfulness to His people through history.

Chapters include Pause, Ponder, and Proceed questions for readers to consider, along with encouragement and instruction on renewing the mind.

Depressed People of the Bible gives readers:

  • Insight into what leads to depression.
  • Understanding of different types of depression.
  • Healthy habits that can combat depressive symptoms.
  • A path to healing and wholeness.

God is mindful of your emotions. Don't wait another day . . . it's time to get started on your journey out of the darkness and into His marvelous light

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780768459654
    • Publisher: Destiny Image Inc
    • ISBN 13: 9780768459654
    • Publication Date: 01/01/2021
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Steve Wohlberg
    • Author: Jeff Zaremsky

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