Changing the Conversation continues Anthony Robinson's beneficial work for congregations. The book describes the key conversations that churches need to have and moves they need to take in order to gain greater vitality, effectiveness, and faithfulness in our modern culture. Robinson implores churches to stop being hostages in the American Culture Wars and instead become the light to the word and salt to the earth they are meant to be.
Robinson's proposed path in this book is no empty, theoretical treatise. It is based on his extensive experience with scores of congregations and their leaders across North America.
Changing the Conversation proposes that congregation, rather than defining themselves in terms of any polarizing continuum --- liberal or conservation, red or blue, etc. --- instead ground themselves in a biblical faith that includes both personal and public dimensions.
As a pastor and someone who has worked with a variety of congregations in various denominations.
Robinson is well qualified to offer this encouraging course to churches who want to be more effective and to reach their full potential.