El extra o simbolismo en Isa as explicado de manera clara y simple.La profec a puede ser confusa. En un libro como Isa as, los eventos hist ricos se presentan fuera de orden y junto a futuras profec as sin distinciones obvias entre los dos. Encuentra la hermosa profundidad de Isa as a trav s de un comentario esclarecedor de Alfred Martin que es a la vez directo y perspicaz. Conocer s:
- Antecedentes hist ricos importantes
- Perspectivas del idioma original
- Explicaciones de los s mbolos prof ticos.
- Y m s
Prophecy can be confusing. In a book like Isaiah, historical events are presented out of order and right next to future prophecies without obvious distinctions between the two. Encounter the beautiful depth of Isaiah through an enlightening commentary from Alfred Martin that's both straightforward and insightful. You'll gain:
- Important historical background
- Insights from the original language
- Explanations of the prophetic symbols
- And more