Esta colecci n incluye los 4 vol menes de la serie Los Libros de la Biblia NVI: una presentaci n fresca pero cl sica de las Escrituras. Elimina distracciones para permitirle experimentar la Biblia acorde a la intenci n de los autores originales.
- No contiene n meros de cap tulos ni vers culos, notas de estudio, referencias cruzadas, notas al pie de p gina, ni letra roja.
- Las secciones fluyen de forma natural para revelar la estructura del texto.
- Introducciones a cada libro proveen mayor profundidad.
- El formato en una sola columna brinda una experiencia de lectura limpia, simple, y elegante.
- La Nueva Versi n Internacional (NVI) es una traducci n precisa, legible y clara, con el fin de proporcionar hoy la misma experiencia de lectura b blica que tuvieron los primeros receptores de las Escrituras en su lengua nativa.
Los Libros de la Biblia NVI est dividida en cuatro vol menes:
- Parte 1: Historia del Pacto
- Parte 2: Los Profetas
- Parte 3: Los Escritos
- Parte 4: El Nuevo Testamento
This pack includes all 4 parts of The Books of the Bible NVI a fresh yet ancient presentation of Scripture formatted so readers can experience each book the way its authors intended.
- As many distractions as possible have been eliminated so readers can experience each book the way its authors intended. No more chapter and verse numbers. No more study notes. No more cross references or footnotes. No more red letters.
- Natural section breaks have been adjusted to reveal the inherent structure, showing the contours of each book in a way that traditional chapter-and-verse Bibles do not.
- The books of the Bible are arranged in an order that helps you see the unfolding drama more easily.
- Book introductions are included to prepare you for a more in-depth reading experience.
- Single-column format for a clean, simple, elegant reading experience.
- The New International Version (NIV) is an accurate, readable and clear translation with the goal of delivering the same Bible reading experience today that the first recipients of Scripture would have had in their native languages.
The Books of the Bible NVI contains four parts:
- Part 1: Covenant History
- Part 2: The Prophets
- Part 3: The Writings
- Part 4: The New Testament